Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Winter Bucket List 2014

Christmas and New Years was great. I have everything but the actual Christmas tree packed up already. Switched out the salt and pepper shakers, so I'm ready to kick off 2014! My new years resolution, like a lot of other folks, is to loose some weight. I'm not trying to loose 100+ lbs, just get off some of the stress weight I gained this past Christmas season... We'll see.

Now for the more interesting stuff: Our Winter 2014 Bucket List! Here in the south, we are lucky if we get more than a dusting of snow each winter, so I rarely put snow related items on my bucket list. So my plan this season is to share lots of fun indoor activities to help pass pass the long, cold winter days.

Click on a crossed off item to view post

Go Ice Skating
Crochet socks for Little Lady
Teach Rosey Posey a new craft
Build a blanket fort
Have a PJ day!
Make a new wreath
Make snowman food
Take a horse drawn carriage ride
Watch winter Olympics
Make borax snowflakes
Go on a train ride
Go to a museum
Build an indoor snowman
Play a new game
Have a bake day
Make homemade Valentines
Plan this year's veggie garden
Go to the grocery store and pick out a food you've never tried before
Have an indoor picnic
Turn the refrigerator into a snowman
Feed the birds
Celebrate Groundhog's Day
Get ready for consignment sale season
Have snowman pizza
Play with snow
The above post(s) may contain affiliated links, product placements, etc. This is how I can afford to buy the supplies to bring you new activites. Thanks for your support!
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