Tuesday 11:30am: Driving home with Rosey Posey
First of all the kids of course LOVED it! I decided to keep Bubee and Little Lady home from pre-school/MMO on Tuesday. Rosey Posey goes to school ONE day out of the week and wouldn't you know it: it was Tuesday. Fortunately the school she goes to decided to close at 10:30am (Much sooner than any of the public schools around here) so I picked her up by 11am and got home before the roads were icy or full of traffic. So by 11:30am the three kids and I were all home.
Tuesday 4:30pm: My DH with ICE in his beard!
My next hope was to get my parents home safely. They carpool together and both work in downtown Atlanta. Usually they have an hour commute home. At 4pm they still had not left work and I basically had to tell them they would NOT be getting home that night. 75N was gridlock: I'm sure you've heard the crazy stories of people sleeping in their cars, leaving their cars and walking, It really did look like a scene from the Walking Dead! Their choice was to sleep at Ace Hardware (Where my mom works) or sleep in the truck. Fortunately they opted to sleep at Ace Hardware!
Tuesday 2pm: Watching Traffic and helping where we could.
Rosey Posey and I stayed up by the road most of the day. We live on a major 4 lane road on one of the worst hill in our county. It always ices over. Not only were we keeping an eye on traffic conditions reporting it via text and FB to all our friends, but also trying to help out where we could. We handed out hot chocolate to all the people walking up the road and even allowed a few ladies to make a pit stop. It was a totally surreal experience. There were men on ATVs driving people back and forth; more and more people walking by the hour.
Tuesday 11:30pm: Traffic was STILL a mess
At about 2 am I finally decided I needed to turn in. When I went to bed there was still bumper to bumper traffic in front of the house.
Sand in the back of the truck.
The next morning at 11am I got a text from my parents that they were heading home. They loaded the truck up with 400 lbs of play sand for weight on the back tires and headed out on some of the major 'back roads' avoiding the interstate. Praise God they were actually home by 12:30pm with some amazing photos of all the abandoned vehicles.
Trucks just left on the hwy
Someone took out the crosswalk signal. Ironically it was still working.
This SUV is stuck on the wires for the telephone pole. As of 5pm Thursday it was still there.
Except for the red SUV in front, all of these are abandoned vehicles.
As of 4pm on Thursday all of the side streets were still littered with abandoned vehicles.
The rest of the time we have been able to enjoy the snow and let the kids play:
Rosey Posey in front of our house
It's a walrus!!!
Bubee and his police car, making tracks in the snow.
Instead of taking Little Lady out in the snow, we brought the snow to her... So much better!
Post by Joseph Wenzler.
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